SciMath Advanced Scientific C/C++ Math Library
Table of Contents of SciMath Users Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction |
Chapter 2 Approximation |
Chapter 3 Differential Equations |
Chapter 4 Eigensystems |
Chapter 5 Transforms |
Chapter 6 Linear Algebra |
Chapter 7 Optimization |
Chapter 8 Partial Diffrential Equations |
Chapter 9 Integration |
Chapter 10 Random Numbers |
Chapter 11 Roots |
Chapter 12 Special Functions |
Chapter 13 Statistics |
Chapter 14 Utility Functions |
Index |
Title |
Page |
1-2 |
1-2 |
Installation |
1-2 |
General information on using SciMath Functions |
1-2 |
Single and Double Precision Functions |
1-3 |
Error Handling |
1-3 |
Function description page |
1-3 |
Multidimensional Arrays |
1-4 |
2-2 |
2-2 |
Introduction |
2-2 |
cifrnl Differentiate a cubic spline |
2-5 |
cinpol Interpolate using cubic spline |
2-6 |
cleval Evaluate a cubic spline |
2-7 |
csplit Cubic spline fit |
2-8 |
msmshd Computes locally uniform mesh, made of discrete points |
2-9 |
mspudp Piecewise uniform mesh for a set of discrete points |
2-10 |
sbeval Derivative basis spline computation |
2-11 |
sderiv Selected derivative, basis spline computation |
2-12 |
sdeval Compute spline and derivative |
2-13 |
sinteg Basis spline integration |
2-14 |
smeval Compute spline |
2-15 |
sntgdp Compute spline and selected derivatives |
2-16 |
snzspl Basis spline computation |
2-17 |
spdfit Apply a B-spline fit to derivatives of a function |
2-18 |
spdisc Create B-spline mesh for fitting discrete data points |
2-19 |
spffit Apply a B-spline fit to a function |
2-20 |
spldpt Generate uniform mesh of discrete points |
2-22 |
splhdi Uniform variation diminishing 3-dimensional spline |
2-23 |
splodi Uniform variation diminishing 1-dimensional spline |
2-25 |
spltdi Uniform variation diminishing 2-dimensional spline |
2-26 |
splums Generate uniform mesh for a B-spline |
2-28 |
spumsh Computes locally uniform mesh for a B spline |
2-29 |
spwnms Piecewise uniform mesh for a B-spline |
2-30 |
srrabs Compute absolute error in B spline fit to a function |
2-31 |
srrasc Compute absolute error on B spline in selected intervals |
2-32 |
srrest Computing estimate error in B spline fit using mesh refinement |
2-33 |
srrsca Computing estimate error in B spline in selected intervals |
2-34 |
ssqfit Least Squares B-spline fit, discrete data |
2-35 |
ssqwfi Weighted Least Squares B-spline fit, discrete data |
2-36 |
svaltn Compute spline and selected derivatives with more user control |
2-37 |
uncini Best uniform approximation with initial approximation |
2-39 |
uuncap Approximation of a mesh, best uniform approximation |
2-41 |
3-2 |
3-2 |
Introduction |
3-2 |
odeivp Stiff ODE (Ordinary differential equation) initial value problem |
3-3 |
odnivp Initial Value Problem, Ordinary Differential Equation Solver |
3-5 |
odvmod Initial Value Problem, ODE Solver (Second Version) |
3-7 |
4-2 |
4-2 |
Introduction |
4-2 |
eigbal Create a balanced matrix with equal eigenvalues |
4-3 |
eighes Create a balanced matrix with equal eigenvalues |
4-4 |
eighmt Compute eigenvalues of a Hessenberg matrix |
4-5 |
eighos Reduction of a real symmetric matrix, Housholder method |
4-6 |
eigsmt Compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix |
4-7 |
eigsur Sort eigenvalues |
4-8 |
eigtri Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix |
4-9 |
mtgenc Complex general eigenvalue problem solver |
4-10 |
mtigen Eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a general real matrix |
4-11 |
5-2 |
5-2 |
Introduction |
5-2 |
fftcmu Initialization for fftltp |
5-3 |
fftcpx Inverse Fast Fourier Transform, complex data |
5-4 |
fftdat Fast Fourier Transform, real data |
5-5 |
fftinv Inverse Fast Fourier Transform, Real Data |
5-6 |
fftitm Initialization for fftult |
5-7 |
fftltp Complex data multiple Fourier transform |
5-8 |
fftmpx Fast Fourier Transform, general case |
5-9 |
fftmul Real data multiple Fast Fourier Transform |
5-10 |
fftplx Fast Fourier Transform, complex data |
5-11 |
fftult Half-Complex data multiple Fast Fourier Transform |
5-12 |
6-3 |
6-3 |
Introduction |
6-3 |
aramua Multiply array by k and add to another array |
6-8 |
arasum Add elements of an array |
6-9 |
arcamu Complex version of arsuma |
6-10 |
armmax Largest element of an array |
6-11 |
arplrt Plane rotate a vector |
6-12 |
arrcop Copy an array to the other |
6-13 |
arrdot Dot product of two arrays |
6-14 |
arrexc Exchange two arrays |
6-15 |
arrgiv Givens plane rotation |
6-16 |
arscal Scale an array |
6-17 |
arsuma Sum of absolute values if an array |
6-18 |
cagsum Computes magnitude of real part plus magnitude of imaginary part |
6-19 |
ccscal Scale a complex array |
6-20 |
cecmul Scale a complex array ( second variation |
6-21 |
cecsum Copy a complex array to another |
6-22 |
ceswch Exchange two complex arrays |
6-23 |
corvec Largest element of a complex array |
6-24 |
cotvec Plane rotation to a complex vector |
6-25 |
cplrot Givens rotation for a complex vector |
6-26 |
ctprct Dot product of two complex arrays |
6-27 |
ctprod Dot product of two complex arrays, conjugate input |
6-28 |
ctsqls Complex linear equations, Least Squares solution |
6-29 |
culsum Multiply complex array by complex number z and add to another array |
6-30 |
lesqso Least squares solution of linear equations |
6-31 |
linqrs QR decomposition |
6-33 |
linqso Linear system solver using QR decomposition |
6-34 |
lnchbk Linear system solver using Cholesky backsubstitution |
6-35 |
lnchol Cholesky decomposition |
6-36 |
mlunum LU numerical decomposition of sparse matrix with input function |
6-37 |
msucon LU decomposition of a sparse matrix with condition estimation and input function |
6-38 |
mtarsm Multiplication of symmetric matrix and vector |
6-40 |
mtbano Norm of a banded unsymmetric matrix |
6-41 |
mtbdec Banded unsymmetric matrix decomposition |
6-42 |
mtbdes Symmetric band positive definite matrix LDL decomposition |
6-43 |
mtcmul Multiply matrix and vector |
6-44 |
mtcomp Symmetric band positive definite matrix LDL decomposition |
6-45 |
mtcond Linear system solution (banded), with condition estimation |
6-46 |
mtecon Performs LU decomposition of general matrix with condition estimation |
6-47 |
mtforw Sparse linear system forward-back solution |
6-48 |
mtgcon Solution of general linear system with condition estimation |
6-49 |
mtgenm Performs LU decomposition of a general matrix |
6-50 |
mtlcem Sparse matrix LU decomposition with condition estimation, input matrix |
6-51 |
mtlins Sparse linear system solution with input function |
6-52 |
mtlnsy Symmetric linear system solver with condition estimation |
6-53 |
mtlond Condition estimation of LDL decomposition |
6-54 |
mtlsbl Lower triangular band, linear system solution |
6-55 |
mtlsbs Linear system solver (banded) |
6-56 |
mtlslm Solution of lower triangular linear system |
6-57 |
mtlssp Definite band positive linear system solution with condition estimation |
6-58 |
mtlude Banded unsymmetric matrix and condition estimation, LU decomposition |
6-59 |
mtmfor Lower triangular linear system solution (band symmetric matrix |
6-60 |
mtmlss Linear system solution for band positive definite system |
6-61 |
mtmult Matrix-vector multiplication for banded positive definite matrix |
6-62 |
mtnges Solution of general linear system |
6-63 |
mtnlum Performs LU decomposition of a general matrix |
6-64 |
mtnnor General matrix norm |
6-65 |
mtorde Row/Column ordering of a sparse matrix with input function |
6-66 |
mtposn Band positive definite matrix norm |
6-67 |
mtqsol Least squares solution |
6-68 |
mtrlss Solution of lower triangular linear system |
6-69 |
mtsbup Upper triangular band linear system solution |
6-70 |
mtslnf Sparse linear system solver (forward-back solution |
6-71 |
mtslns Sparse linear system solver, forward-solution (modified |
6-72 |
mtslsq Least squares solution and Singular Value Decomposition |
6-73 |
mtslus Sparse matrix symbolic LU decomposition with input function |
6-75 |
mtsmdm Symmetric matrix MDMT decomposition |
6-76 |
mtsmul Vector-sparse matrix multiplication, function input |
6-77 |
mtspam Vector multiplication of sparse matrix, input matrix |
6-78 |
mtspld Sparse matrix LU decomposition with input matrix |
6-79 |
mtsyce Symmetric matrix decomposition with condition estimation |
6-81 |
mtsydc Symmetric matrix decomposition |
6-82 |
mtsyfb Symmetric matrix with forward-back solution |
6-83 |
mtsyln Symmetric linear system solver |
6-84 |
mtsynr Symmetric matrix norm |
6-85 |
mtudec Banded unsymmetric matrix, LU decomposition |
6-86 |
mtudeu LU decomposition of a sparse matrix with input function |
6-87 |
mtvmul Matrix vector multiplication (banded) |
6-89 |
mtymbp Definite upper triangular linear system solution, positive band |
6-90 |
vadmax Element index of the largest magnitude element of a vector |
6-91 |
vadmin Element index of the smallest magnitude element of a vector |
6-92 |
vaemax Element index of the maximum element of a vector |
6-93 |
vaemin Element index of the minimum element of a vector |
6-94 |
vaxmax Element index of the largest magnitude element of a complex vector |
6-95 |
vaxmin Element index of the smallest magnitude element of a complex vector |
6-96 |
veucln Compute Euclidean norm of a vector |
6-97 |
vinmax Element index of the maximum element of a integer vector |
6-98 |
vinmin Element index of the minimum element of a integer vector |
6-99 |
7-2 |
7-2 |
Introduction |
7-2 |
fminim Finds local minima |
7-4 |
menghb Simple bounds minimization with gradient and Hessian |
7-5 |
menlqb Simple bounds nonlinear least squares |
7-7 |
menmin Minimization of a function |
7-9 |
mennlj Nonlinear least squares with Jacobian |
7-10 |
mensbg Simple bounds minimization of a function with gradient |
7-12 |
mensbm Simple bounds minimization of a function |
7-14 |
mgengh Simple bounds minimization of a function with gradient and Hessian |
7-15 |
mgengm Minimization of a function with gradient |
7-17 |
mgenjb Simple bounds nonlinear least squares with Jacobian |
7-19 |
mgenlq Nonlinear least squares |
7-21 |
mgennm Unconstrained optimization, Nelder-Mead algorithm |
7-22 |
mgnldb Simple bounds separable nonlinear least squares with derivatives |
7-23 |
mgnlqb Simple bounds separable nonlinear least squares |
7-25 |
mignld Separable nonlinear least squares with derivatives |
7-27 |
mignlq No constraint separable nonlinear least squares |
7-29 |
mtineq Linear programming |
7-31 |
opquaf Compute local minimum using quadratic programming |
7-32 |
vsblty General linear equality and inequality constraints |
7-33 |
8-2 |
8-2 |
Introduction |
8-2 |
pdeovx Solution of elliptic PDE, overrelaxation method |
8-3 |
pdemlg Solution of elliptic PDE, multigrid method |
8-5 |
pdenlm Solution of nonlinear elliptic PDE, multigrid method |
8-7 |
9-2 |
9-2 |
Introduction |
9-2 |
qahere Weights and Abscissas of Gauss-Hermite quadrature with the weight of![]() |
9-3 |
qasxaw Weights and Abscissas of Gauss quadrature with the weight of xa |
9-4 |
qaulqe Weights and Abscissas of Gauss-Laguerre quadrature with the weight of e-x |
9-5 |
qauslq Weights and Abscissas of Gauss-Legendre quadrature |
9-6 |
qdegps Piecewise smooth function integrator |
9-7 |
qdntgr Integration using ralative error |
9-8 |
qdtegi Integration of a set of integrals |
9-9 |
qdtgbc Main integration function with boundary conditions |
9-10 |
qgausq Weights and Abscissas of Gauss quadrature |
9-11 |
qsexaw Weights and Abscissas of Gauss quadrature with weighting of xa e-x |
9-12 |
qubspl Quadrature using Cubic Spline |
9-14 |
quslog Weights and Abscissas of Gauss quadrature with weighting of log(1/x) |
9-15 |
sntegr Integration using B-splines |
9-16 |
10-2 |
10-2 |
Introduction |
10-2 |
binran Binomial distribution random deviate generator |
10-3 |
gamdis Gamma distributed random deviate generator |
10-4 |
posran Poisson distributed random deviate generator |
10-5 |
raarit Random deviate and bit pattern generator |
10-6 |
rainit Initial seed generator |
10-7 |
ranbit Randon bit generator |
10-8 |
ranexp Exponentially distributed random deviate generator |
10-9 |
ranksm Uniform random number generator, Knith method |
10-10 |
ranlec Uniform random number generator with long period sequence and shuffle |
10-11 |
ranpmr Minimal standard random number generator |
10-12 |
ranpsh Minimal standard random number generator with shuffle |
10-13 |
rarvar Generate Gaussian deviate |
10-14 |
rnddvt Generate uniform random deviate |
10-15 |
11-2 |
11-2 |
Introduction |
11-2 |
czerop Zeros of complex polynomials |
11-3 |
rsreal Real single root within an interval |
11-4 |
rterop Compute complex zeros of polynomials |
11-5 |
rtller Real/Complex root of a function |
11-6 |
rzernl Solves nonlinear systems |
11-7 |
rzrnlj Solves nonlinear systems using Jacobian |
11-8 |
12-2 |
12-2 |
Introduction |
12-2 |
acoshh Hyperbolic cosine 12-3 |
arccos Arc cosine |
12-4 |
arcsin Arc sine |
12-5 |
arsinh Hyperbolic arc sine |
12-6 |
artanh Hyperbolic arc tangent |
12-7 |
beinrt I, modified real argument Bessel functions of integer order |
12-8 |
beintc I, modified Bessel functions of complex integer order and argument |
12-9 |
beintr J, real argument Bessel fuctions of integer order |
12-10 |
bejntc J, complex argument Bessel functions of integer order |
12-11 |
catlog Complex natural logarithm |
12-12 |
coshhh Hyperbolic cosine |
12-13 |
cpontl Complex exponential: e(r+jm) |
12-14 |
gammaa Gammaa function (real) |
12-15 |
sinhhh Hyperbolic sine |
12-16 |
tangnt Tangent |
12-17 |
tanhhh Hyperbolic tangent 12-18 |
13-2 |
13-2 |
Introduction |
13-2 |
stchio Performs chi-square test for the case of difference between |
13-3 |
stchit Performs chi-square test for the case of difference between two |
13-4 |
stcken Contingency analysis (Kendall's tau) |
13-5 |
stcore Correlation between two sets of data (Pearson's method) |
13-6 |
stfvar Performs F test for difference of variances 13-7 |
stgssm Generate Golay-Savitzky coefficients for smoothing |
13-8 |
stkend Correlation for two sets of data (Kendall's tau) |
13-9 |
stksdd Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for two sets of data |
13-10 |
stksmd Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for data and model |
13-11 |
stksmf Kolmorov-Smirnov main probability function |
13-12 |
stkstd Two dimensional Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, data and data |
13-13 |
stmomt Computes moments of data |
13-14 |
strcor Rank correlation for two sets of data (Spearman's method) |
13-15 |
ststst Computes difference of means (Student's test) |
13-16 |
sttaba Chi-s contingency table analysis |
13-17 |
sttabt Entropy measure for contingency table analysis |
13-18 |
sttpxd Performs Student's test for the case of paired data 13-19 |
sttvar Student's test of means for unequal variances |
13-20 |
stvars Computes variance and mean of data |
13-21 |
stcomp Fit to a straight line (x,y composition) |
13-22 |
stline Fits data to a straight line (least absolute deviation method) 13-23 |
stlsqr Least-squares data fit to a straight line |
13-24 |
14-2 |
14-2 |
Introduction |
14-2 |
antsym Unsymmetrize an array |
14-3 |
arcpyd Initialize a number of floating point array elements |
14-4 |
arcpyi Initialize a number of integer array elements |
14-5 |
arhopr Rearrange Hollerith data using input permutation |
14-6 |
arrsym Transfom a vector into a symmetric form |
14-7 |
arshdp Hollerith data passive sort |
14-8 |
arshol Hollerith data sort |
14-9 |
artlws Get n'th smallest element in an array |
14-10 |
contch Converts base 10 number to machine base |
14-11 |
fltdec Decompose a floating point number |
14-12 |
flttbt Convert a floating point number to base 10 |
14-13 |
genrep Generate floating point number |
14-14 |
getpol Orthogonal polynomial evaluation |
14-15 |
polccs Chebyshev polynomial evaluation |
14-16 |
poltrs Trigonometric polynomial evaluation |
14-17 |
vepbrn Move backward a real array |
14-18 |
vepfin Move forward an integer array |
14-19 |
vepfrn Move forward an array |
14-20 |
vetest Test vector: if monotone increasing or decreasing |
14-21 |
veybin Move backward an integer array |
14-22 |
vncdec Test if array is strictly monotone increasing/decreasing |
14-24 |
Index |
Advanced Scientific Applications, Inc. SciMath Division.
215 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Suite: 333
Fullerton, CA 92832
Tel: 714-680-6600
Fax: 714-450-8010